GFDD Sponsorship
If you’re here, you’re probably wondering how you can get more involved in the Go Fast Don’t Die shenanigans goin’ on…
Welcome. Let’s get down to it, shall we?
Are you a #1 athlete at the top of your game?
A big time influencer with 4 billion followers?
A TV star who may or may not have become the guy who catches people pretending to be other people on social media and lie to their dates about it?
A big time influencer with 4 billion followers?
A TV star who may or may not have become the guy who catches people pretending to be other people on social media and lie to their dates about it?
Orrr… are you simply a person on the path of making the most of this crazy life you’ve been given and saw something somewhere of ours that resonated with your pursuit?
First off, we want to thank you for giving us the chance to be that friend who pushes you from time to time to do the uncomfortable things necessary in the name of positive growth.
We’re here for it.
Second, here's the thing... truthfully, we couldn’t care less about how many first place trophies you got, how many one-footers you can do on an XR100, how many followers you have, or how many sales you could bring us.
One of the reasons we started this brand was because of our distaste of the ever-so-draining "exclusivity" in the motorcycle world. (Ex. "you can't ride that and hang with us"..."you're not a real rider if you don't wear blah blah blah...")
After years of trying to figure out how to design this program, we realized a program focused on whether you’re in or out is dividing the very community we cherish. A community where anyone can come hang out (as long as you're not being a d*ck).
The fact is, if you’re writing your best story, repping GFDD with good intentions, and contributing to this community and culture that inspired our very existence....well...shoot…we’re happy campers.
But, we get why you're here, so put your email in the box below and instead of a discount code, we’re gonna do something even better (you won’t regret it)…
For everyone else, we'll be right here cheering you on. Go get em.