"ONE Realization..." 🏁 On Any Sundays

"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."

—Meister Eckhart

One of the core values around here is "be a faucet, not a drain."

To fill each other up.

To lift up our friends, our family, our community, and do our dangdest not to let them down.

This weekend we’re out here in Portland at the One Moto Show and it is a loud, fun, and not-a-lot-of-sleep-but-a-lot-of-geat-coffee (s/o K&C Crew) reminder of how much this incredible community is our faucet.

Yes, you.

We thought this Sunday we’d stop to take the time to say... thank you.

To those of you who fill our cup (if you’re reading this - that’s you), we’re so grateful to have you here (wherever "here" may be) and could (and will) spend the rest of our days sharing the story of this crazy tribe we're blessed to be a part of.

We appreciate you.


PS. Have anyone that could use a good "thank you" text? Take the time, it’s a non-renewable resource.



Save the wallpaper we've made for you above as a reminder to engage this week in conversations around your potential, the potential of your tribe, and to help in writing your best story.

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