"Someday syndrome..." ๐Ÿ On Any Sundays

"We donโ€™t tell ourselves, 'Iโ€™m never going to write my symphony.'ย Instead we say, 'I am going to write my symphony; Iโ€™m just going to start tomorrow.'"

โ€• Steven Pressfield, The War of Art


In 20 years from now, what is it youโ€™ll regret not doing today?

What is something you can do immediatelyย to build momentum and eliminate that regret?

Pack aย gym bag?
Callย your family?
Schedule aย guitar lesson?
Sayย an apology?
Askย her out?


Go makeย youย proud.



Save the wallpaper we've made for you above as a reminder to engage this week inย conversationsย around your potential, the potential of your tribe, and to help in writing yourย bestย story.


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